Lesson 29 - Israel In Wilderness II

Lesson 19 Isreal In Wilderness II From Sinai to Kadesh - Barnea Reading Portion: Numbers Ch 11 - 33 Israel reached 'Taberah,' and God's fire descended on them because of their murmuring and consumed those who were at the outskirts of the camp. Later, the mixed multitude among them murmured for meat. God gave them quail. Each person gathered about 10 homers. But God became angry at this, and those people who were always craving died of a plague ( Num. 11: 4-35). That place came to be called 'Kibroth - Hattaavh' After this, people came to Hazeroth. There Mariam and Aaron spoke against Moses. But God took revenge for Moses, "the meekest of all men" - Mariam was affected by leprosy and had to live outside of camp for 7 days. After that, she was healed through prayer. At Kadesh - Barnea Israel reached Kadesh - Barnea, which is in the south part of Canaan. Here, according to the people's will, Moses sent 12 spies to Cannan, including Joshua and Caleb...