Lesson 26 History of Israel

 Lesson 16

History of Israel 

Israel's Election 

Reading Portion : Genisis: 12-35 ch.

Memory Verse: 1 Peter 2:9 

Objective: There is always a separated group on earth, to do God's will behind his election cannot be questioned. This duty of God's people is to do His will.


                      God created man to worship Him and have fellowship with him. But Satan, the ancient serpent, deceived Adam and Eve. Once Satan heard God's promise that 'the seed of the woman shall destroy the head of the serpent', he focussed his work on preventing the seed of the woman from emerging into the scene. Adam's firstborn became a murderer. By the time of the 7th generation Adam, people became full of murder and cruelty (Gen. 4: 23)

Election Through Noah

Noah was the 10th generation of Adam. At this time, all people were under sin, except Noah and his family. But Noah obtained the grace of God (Gen. 6: 8-9). God protected Noah and his family from the great flood and separated them for Himself.

Later Noah's descendants became idol worshippers. Nimrod, the chief of hunters, built a tower in Babel,
against God's commandment. The tower led to the construction of many other temples and satanic worship places. But God confused the language of the people and disrupted the building of the tower. People were scattered to different places and wherever they went, they built their own temples.

Election through Abraham 

 By the time of Abraham, the 10th generation of Shem, idol worship had become universal (Joshuah. 24: 2). Though the only true God revealed himself, through his creations and deeds, to the men, they neglected it and went to idol worship (Rom: 1: 19-23). But in the Chaldean city of Mesopotamia, Ur, there was a family engaged in the job of making idols. From this family, Abraham was called by God. He left his county, his relatives and came to Haran, the place of his father (Act 7: 1-3). His father Terah died there. God called Abraham again and asked him to leave his father's house (Genesis 12: 1-4). So Abraham took his wife Sarah and Lot his brother's son and went forth from Haran. Abraham was 75 years old then. It is clear that Shem was alive at that time, from the chronology given in Genesis 11.

Two Main aims behind the Election of Abraham.

1. To raise up people who believe and worship the only true God. The Redeemer ( Messiah) should come from this people.

 2. To give them a promised land, so that they may not mix up with the idol worshippers and defile themselves.

(After the time of Nimrod, all clans had their own land).

That is why God stresses these two things when he makes His covenant with Abraham - one seed and one land. By faith, Abraham reached the promised land, Cannan. But he went down to Egypt when the famine came to Canaan. This led to the fulfillment of the prophecy that Abraham's descendants would be slaves in Egypt for about 400 years, which later became true. (Genesis. 15: 13-16, Gala 3: 17).

Election through Isaac 

Two sons were born to Abraham - Ishmael, from the Egyptian maid of Sarah, when he was 86, and Isacc, from Sarah when he was 100 years old. Isaac was the promised seed and God elected younger Isaac instead of the elder Ishmael. Thus Isaac became the possessor of two great promises, the promised land and the promised Messiah ( Genesis 17: 19-21, 22: 18, 26: 2-6)

Isaac married a girl from his own father's house, unlike Ishmael who married a girl from the gentiles. Isaac and Rebecca had no children for twenty years. But because of their prayer, God gifted them a twin - Esau and Jacob. 

Election through Jacob

Rebecca knows that the promise which Isaac inherited from Abraham will be passed on to Jacob ( Genesis 25: 23). But Isaac was thinking of blessing Esau with these blessings, as he was very fond of the hunted meat Esau brought. But Rebecca helped Jacob to deceive the blind father and get the promise, by preparing a savory for Jacob to present to his father. Before this incident, Jacob had already obtained birthright from Esau, in exchange for the pottage (Genesis 25: 29-34, Heb: 12: 16-17, Deutro: 21: 16-17).

There is no wonder that God elected Jacob instead of Esau, who desired his birthright, which carried the advantage of getting the rule of the family, family priesthood, a double share of family possessions, etc.. God's plan was also behind all these happening ( Rom 9: 11-16)

Jacob fled to his mother's house, fearing the revenge of Esau. But God visited Jacob on the first day itself of his journey at Bethel and Jacob made a convenient with God (Genesis 28: 13 - 15). In Padan-aram Jacob lived with his uncle Laban for twenty years, and he married Laban's daughters - Leah and Rachel and took their maid servents Silpa and Bilhah as concubines. These four women born twelve sons for Jacob, who later became the fathers of twelve tribes in Israel. Remember their name 

(Genesis 35: 23-26) Jacob also had a daughter, named Dinah. 

Jacob and his family became the selected people to God and he provided them special protection and blessings. Jacob decided to leave Laban's house, after the birth of Joseph. Jacob left Padan-aram without informing Laban. When Laban came to know about this, he followed Jacob to get him back. But God interfered and warned Laban against doing either good or evil against Jacob. So Laban met Jacob on his way and made a covenant of peace with him and returned to Padean Aram. 

Jacob Get Another Name - Israel 

One of the major turning points in Jacob's life occurred at Peniel. When Jacob heard that Esau was coming to welcome him with 400 men he was much frightened. He took everything he had and crossed them over the brook of Jabok Now he was left alone. He wrestled with the angel of God the whole night, and prayed with tears he said "I will not let you go unless you bless me". the Lord blessed Jacob there itself and gave him a new name, Israel. ( Genesis 32: 24-31).

Again God appeared to Jacob at Bethel and confirmed his name as Israel ( Genesis 35: 9-16). After this event, Benjamin was born. Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin Jacob was 100 years old then and he lived for 130 years. he had about 70 children and grandchildren, living together with him in Canaan. When famine came, Jacob and all of his children and grandchildren went to Egypt. 

Psalm 135:4 says " For the Lord has chosen Jacob to his own, Israel to be his treasured possession"

Similarly in the new testament, God has chosen us as a royal priesthood, and a holy nation, a peculiar people, that we should show forth the praises of him who has called us (1 Peter 2:9). Let us acknowledge our responsibility, and submit ourselves to lead a glorious life, according to our election.



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