Lesson 18 Miracles of Jesus Christ


Lesson 18 

Miracles of Jesus Christ 

Reading Pertion : Mat 8: 1-9; Acts 10: 36 -40

Memory Verse: Hebrews 2: 3,4

Objective:     Be strong in faith and believe that Jesus is the Son of God through his miracles


Have you ever see a miracle? What is a miracle?
        A miracle is happening, which is supernatural. When this occurs with God's help and for the glory of God, we say that it was a divine miracle. Jesus and his disciples did many miracles. Even today, Lord works for his children through miracles. 

Purpose of Miracles 

Jesus did miracles for people to believe that he was God's son and believed to give them eternal life. 

Jesus did many miracles. If every one of them were written down, the world wouldn't have enough room for the book that would be written.

These miracles are given in the Bible for us to believe that he is the son of the Almighty God and Savior of all mankind. He was the Messiah that was promised to Israel.

    All the miracles were done after the baptism. The first miracle was in Cana. The last one was the healing of the ear of the High priest's servant at Gathsamena.

We can classify the miracles based on their nature. 

1. Miracle on Nature :

            a. Jesus changes water into wine  (John 2: 1-11)
            b. The Miraculous fishing (Luke 5: 1 -11)
            c. Jesus calms the wind and sea  (Mat 8:26) 
            d. Jesus feeds thousands by increasing bread and fish ( Mathew 14: 15-21)
            e. Jesus walks on water (Mat 14: 23-33)

2. Healing Miracles 

Jesus healed many people, who were blind, deaf, and dumb, paralyzed woman with chronic bleeding, lepers...
Healing had an important place in the ministry f, Jesus. It was to make true Isaiah's prophecy that " He took away our weakness and removed out diseases." He is a good doctor who can heal our sickness. 

3. Cures demon-possessed people 

Jesus cured many demon possed people with his commanding words. Demons fled from their bodies at the word of Christ ( Mark 1: 23-28, Luke 4: 31-37: Mark 5: 1-20; Mat 8: 28-34; Mat 15: 21-28)
Jesus bruised the head of Satan and still works wonders! 

4. He brought back life 

Jesus brought Lazarus, the daughter of Jairus and the son of the widow in Nain, back to life (Luke 7: 11-17, Luke 8: 41-56; Jon 11: 1-44)

Now we don't have to fear death. Jesus gained victory over death!

5. Miracles that happened in Him 

   a. He escaped from his enemies ( Luke 4: 28-30, Luke 8: 59)
   b. Transfiguration (Luke 9: 28-36)
   d. Resurrection (Luke 24:6)
   e. Ascension (Luke 24: 51

Peculiarities of Miracles 
The miracles of Jesus were unique.

1. The miracles by old testament prophets were with the power God gave them on particular occasions. The disciples worked wonders with the help of the power Jesus gave them. They did the miracles in the name of Jesus. But the miracles of Jesus revealed his divine nature.

2. Jesus didn't do anything according to his wish. He worked along with His Father (John 5: 19, 30, 36). It is because the Holy Spirit was with Him. He did wonders and miracles (Acts 10: 28,39)

3. All the miracles happened depending on the person's need and belief. God's work is based on our belief and trust in Him.

4. Jesus didn't do miracles for His fame. He worked for the benefit of others and the glory of God. It is noteworthy that He overcame the temptations to turn stones into loaves of bread and jump from the top of the temple. 

5. The miracles of Jesus were performed in public. So no man could deny it. Jesus did everything well and revealed himself before the world as the son of God (1 John 5: 20)

Have you been amongst the people who believed that he is the savior? 


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