Lesson 28 - Israel In Wilderness - I


Lesson 28 

Israel In Wilderness 

Reading Portion: Exodus 14 - 40

Memory Verse: I Cor. 10: 1-4

Objective: Israels's journey in the wilderness is a shadow of a believer's life in the world. God protects his people throughout their journey. Believers should not murmur in their troubles but should obey God in everything. 

Beginning of Journey 

Pharoh agreed to set Israel free after the tenth plague. Before that, Israel had already made all the arrangements for leaving. On the night of 14th Abib month, they observed the Passover. The blood of the Passover lamb was to be put in on the two doorposts and on the houses' lintel so that the Angel of God would not touch the blood-marked houses. Out Passover lamb has also been sacrificed. It was Jesus himself (1 Cor 5:7). We have been saved from death through him.

        On the early morning itself, the next day of Passover, all the Israelites left Egypt with all their belongings under Mosses and Aaron's leadership. The people started their journey from Rameses of Succoth. They were about 3 million in number, including the women, children, and Egypt's gentiles who accompanied Israel. If they had traveled to the east, they could have reached Canaan without crossing the Red Sea. But God led them to the south and brought them to the bank of the Red Sea. The pillar of cloud was over them, for shadows in the day, and the pillar of fire was over them, for light at night. The pillar of the cloud was also a way-pointer and protection against enemies (Exo. 13:21, 14:19). Similarly, there is always God's protection for a believer during this life on earth. 

When Egyptians had buried their firstborns, their heart changed. Pharoh and his armies followed Israel to capture them. But God miraculously divided the Red Sea and saved his people from the Egyptians. This was a symbol of baptism. Pharoh and his armies died in the saltwater of the Red Sea. It was God's righteousness that he killed Egypt's warriors who had thrown Israel's sons into the Nile River.  

Places where Israel camped and the Events 

The places where Israel camped during their journey are documented in Num. 33. After crossing the Red Sea, they reached the wilderness of shur, Where they had to go without water for 3 days.

Later they came to Marah, but the water there was bitter. But when they put some branches of the tree into it, the bitterness vanished. That tree symbolizes Jesus.

We need the presence of Jesus in our lives to remove the bitterness in us. In the next place, Elim, there were 12 springs and 70 palm trees. This shows the gladness always follows after bitterness. 

Wilderness of Sin

Israel reached the wilderness of sin after one month of journey. God provided them 'Manna,' rain it from heaven. for all the forty years of their journey. 'manna' in Hebrews means "What is it?" This term, after repetitions, might have become Manna. In the morning dew, a small-scale like round thing lay all around the camp. Each person gathered one 'Omer' for himself. (Two Omer in the day before Sabbath, i.e., on Friday). Manna symbolizes Jesus, the bread of life, who came to earth from heaven. (Num. 11: 7,9, John. 6:35,41).

At Rephidim

Rephidim is a place north of Mount Sinai. The people did not get water for drinking. Moses struck the rock and water flowed from it. The stricken rock symbolizes Christ who was broken in the Calvary (1 Coi 10:4, John 7: 38,39).

Israel had a war with the Amalekites at Rephidim. When Moses held his hand up in prayer, Israel would win. Aaron and their supported his hands. This shows that united prayer is an effective weapon against the enemy.

At Sinai

Sinai is a small place in between Suvas and Akaba, the two branches of the Red Sea. The area is mainly having mountains and Israel camped beside Mount Sinai. Israel reached here after one and half months of their journey. God descended on Mount Sinai, on the 50th day of the Passover. The mount was covered with smoke and it shook. God put a boundary around the Mount so that no man or animal would touch it. But Moses alone went to God and spent 40 days with them. There, God gave the commandment, the laws regarding sacrifices and priesthood, and the plan of the tabernacle, to Israel. There God selected Israel as His special people and made a covenant with them.

At Sinai, Aaron led the people to make the golden calf and offer sacrifices to it. Thus Satan tempted them to trespass the very law of the 10 commandments. But Moses came down from the mountain and destroyed the golden calf and 30,000 men who worshipped it, with the help of Levites.

Israel camped for about 1 year at Sinai. God's plan was to mold them into these peculiar people. Israel had become an unorganized people without political or religious experience, due to their long slavery in Egypt. But God solved all this problem at Sinai. He gave them the commandments and the laws for the priests and sacrifices. They numbered the people and divided them into different groups and appointed leaders for the search group. The tribe of Levi was separated for spiritual services. When Israel was counted at Sinai, there were about 603,550 men above 20 years of age. Levites alone were 22,000.


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