Lesson 24
Crucifixion of Jesus
Reading Portion : Mat 27 : 32 - 56
Mark 15: 22- 47
Luke 23 : 32 - 49
John 19 : 17 - 37
Memory Verse : John 19 : 28
Objective : To understand that the son of God, who know no sin, took our sins upon Him and died on the cross, for our salvation, and to receive Him as out personal savior
Introduction : The Governor Pilate sentenced Jesus to crucified. In that time, crucifixion were carried out in a place called Golgotha, which is at the top of a mountain. One centurion and four soldiers were given the task of carrying out his crucifixion. The person to be crucified, was to carry his cross to the place of crucifixion.
Two criminals accused of riot and murder in the city, were also to be crucified with Jesus. He was very tired because of sleeplessness in the previous day and the physical assault by the soldiers. It took about three and a half hours for them to travel from Pilate's palace to Golgotha.
Simon helps Jesus in Carrying the Cross:
Jesus became so weak that he couldn't carry the heavy wooden cross. Then the soldier compelled Simon, a Cyrene who was coming out of the country, to bear His cross, and he bore the cross after Jesus. (Luke 23: 26). Because of this sacrifice of Simon for Jesus, his family later became famous witnesses of Jesus. His wife and his sons Alexander and Rufus believed in Jesus ( Rom 16 16:13)
Jesus's Crucifixion
Jesus came to Golgotha, carrying his cross. Golgotha means 'the place of skull'. In English, this place is called Calvary. IT is believed that according to the Jewish tradition, Jesus's clothes were taken off and he was dressed a linen made up of jute. Then he was laid upon the cross and nails were driven into his hands and legs. The cross was erected and put into the pit. By this time, his body weight was hanging on his hand and all his bones were out of join.
The two criminals were also crucified along with Jesus, one on the right and the other on left. Usually some sour wine mingled with gall is given to the crucified ones so that they would not feel the pain. But Jesus didn't accept it. Thus he tasted out punishment to the end, consciously.
'Jesus the king of Jews', the accusation upon Him, was written in Hebrew, Roman and Greek languages and put over his head to mock Him. But Jesus will come into the earth as the King if Kings to rule over all the earth. When Jesus was on the cross, Satan and his armies came with full power to discourage Him and to deny his Father. This is clearly depicted in Psalms. 22 : 12 -21. But Jesus overcame Satan on the cross. Jesus's Garment is Divided ( John. 19: 23,24)
Then the soldiers, took Jesus's garments and made four parts, to each soldier a part, and also the tunic. Now the tunic was without seam, woven from the top in one piece. So they said, 'Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it'. This happened to fulfill the prophecy about Jesus in Psalms 22: 18. The soldiers got a garment from Jesus's death, but we receive eternal life from Jesus's death.
The Mockers of Jesus
The Jewish priests, scribes, soldiers and the criminal on the cross, all mocked Jesus. But one of the criminal turned to Jesus and asked to "remember him when he comes back to his kingdom". Jesus accepted him in to paradise, the same day.
Those who stood around the Cross.
The Jewish priests, Roman soldiers, a big crowd who had gathered to witness the crucifixion were standing around the cross. Jesus's mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and some of his disciples were also there.
Events that Took place during Jesus's Crucifixion ( Luke 27: 51 - 53)
The veil of the temple was torn in two form top to bottom and the earth quaked, and rocks were split. The graves opened and many bodies of the saints were raised. Seeing all this, the centurion said, "Truly, this was the son of God". Jesus was crucified at around 7:30 hour in the morning ( Today's 9 am) according to Jewish clock , which was the time of Jewish morning sacrifice. He was on the cross for about 6 hours. He died when there was 7.5 hours left for evening ( Todays 3 pm)
Jesus Words on the Cross
Jesus's death was the fulfillment of the real truth behind Jewish sacrifices. Jesus's death was for the propitiation of the sins of all mankind.
The following were the 7 sayings of Jesus when the was on the cross.
1. " Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do". Christ prays for his enemies (Luke 23 : 34)
2. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, " Women behold your son, " and then He said to the disciple, " Behold your mother". (John 19 : 26-27)
3. "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23 :43)
4. " I thirst" (John 19: 28)
5. " My God, My God, why have you for shaken me ?" ( Math : 27 : 46)
6. " It is finished" (John 19 : 30)
7. " Father into your hands I commit My spirit" ( Luke 23 : 46)
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