Lesson 25 Jesus's Resurrection and ascension to heaven

 Lesson 15 
Jesus's resurrection and ascension to heaven 

Reading portion: Mat. 27:56-28:20

                            Mark. 15: 42 - 16: 20 

                           Luke 23: 50 -24:53

Memory Verse: John 20: 29

Objective: To receive life from Jesus, who has overcome death, and to be a brave witness of Him

Introduction: Jesus died by about 3 pm on Friday. The next day ( Saturday) was the first day of the feast of the unleavened bread and was a day of the sabbath. The Jews had a rule that no dead body should hang on the cross on Sabbath day. So to remove the dead bodies from the cross on Friday early as possible. But seeing that Jesus was already dead, they didn't break His legs. But one soldier pierced His side with a spear, and blood and water poured out. This confirmed that He was dead. Thus the prophecy that none of the bones of the Anointed will be broken was fulfilled. 

Jesus Burial

  After Jesus's death, one of His secret disciples, Joseph of Arimathea, asked Pilate that he be given permission to take away the body. Pilate granted permission. Then Nicodemus, who came to Jesus by night, also came with a mixture of myrrh and aloes, weighing about 100 pounds. Then they took the body of Jesus and bound it in strips of linen, with the spices, as was the custom of the Jews before burial. On a new tomb, they buried Jesus in a garden near Golgotha, which Joseph of Arimathea had made for himself. Thus the prophecy about Jesus was fulfilled, which said, "He was with the rich in his death."

Jesus's Resurrection 

When Jesus was buried, the Sabbath started. But the women who came from Galilee, with prepared spices and fragrant oils, could only reach thereafter burial to apply it on the dead body. So they decided to stay back for the Sabbath ( Luke 23: 56) without doing any work. The disciples of Jesus spent the Saturday in great grief. But on Sunday, early morning itself, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James ( women from Galilee), went to the tomb with the prepared spices and fragrant oil. The storm that was kept on the tomb's mouth was sealed by the Roman Government, and soldiers were appointed to watch the tomb for three days. All these were done by Pilate, as per the request of the Jews. 

But when the women reached there, the stone was rolled away by the angel, and they sat upon it. The soldiers were shaken by fear and became like dead men on seeing the angel. But the angels said to the women not to be afraid. 

The message of the Angles

The angel said, "You seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay" (Mat. 28:7). They entered the tomb, and inside stood two men in shining garments. They also said about the resurrection of Jesus to the women. (Luke. 24: 1- 6)

Disciples are told about Jesus's Resurrection. 

The women immediately left the tomb and went and told the disciples about Jesus's resurrection. Peter and John, hearing the news, ran to the tomb. They both came to the tomb and confirmed that Jesus had risen. They both went back, but Mary Magdalene stayed in the garden. When she turned back, she saw someone standing. Thinking that it was the gardener, she asked him where he had taken and kept Jesus. Then the Lord called her by name, and she recognized him. Jesus asked her to go and say to his disciples that he rises. She meant the disciples and said that she saw him ( John. 20: 1-18)

Jesus Appears to Disciples 

On Sunday, Cleopas and another disciple traveled from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus, 7 miles away from Jerusalem. The resurrected Lord appeared to them on the way. He taught them the things concerning his death and resurrection ( Luke 24: 13 - 23). They immediately returned to Jerusalem and said about the incident to the disciples. 

Jesus Appears to Apostles and other disciples. 

(Luke 24: 33 - 43, John 20: 19-23) On Sunday evening, the apostles were sitting in a closed room. Thomas was not with them. Then Jesus appeared amidst them and greeted them peace.
He showed them his hands and feet and convinced them that he has risen. Then he breathed on them and asked them to receive the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus Appears again to the Apostles (John. 20: 26-29, I cor 15: 5)

One week after his resurrection. Jesus appeared to the disciples when Thomas was along with them. Jesus rebuked Thomas's unbelief and showed him His pierced hand and feet, and he asked him to put his finger in the print of nails. Then Thomas answered, "My Lord and My God." 

Jesus Appears to 7 Disciples ( John 21: 1 -23 ) 

            Jesus appeared to the disciples when they were on the coast of the Sea of Galilee. Some disciples had gone along with Peter for fishing. But they couldn't catch any fish. In the morning, Jesus stood on the coast and asked, "Children, have you any food?" They answered, "No." He said to them, "Cast net on the right side of the board." They obeyed and got a multitude of fish. When they had come to land, Jesus gave them breakfast. After eating food, Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me more than these? " and asked him to feed this sheep. Jesus asked the same question two more times to establish Peters's Love. 

Jesus Ascension (Luke 24: 50 -51, Acts 1: 9-11)

Jesus took his disciples to the Mount of Olives. He lifted up his hand and blessed them, and he was parted from them and carried up to into heaven. They looked steadfastly to heaven, and two men in white appeared and said, "Why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus' who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in the same manner as you saw him go into heaven."

Jesus Last commandment 

Jesus asked the disciples to receive the Holy Spirit from heaven and be witnesses of him to the ends of the earth. He will come again to gather his saints. 


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