Lesson 28 - Israel In Wilderness - I
Lesson 28 Israel In Wilderness Reading Portion: Exodus 14 - 40 Memory Verse: I Cor. 10: 1-4 Objective: Israels's journey in the wilderness is a shadow of a believer's life in the world. God protects his people throughout their journey. Believers should not murmur in their troubles but should obey God in everything. Beginning of Journey Pharoh agreed to set Israel free after the tenth plague. Before that, Israel had already made all the arrangements for leaving. On the night of 14th Abib month, they observed the Passover. The blood of the Passover lamb was to be put in on the two doorposts and on the houses' lintel so that the Angel of God would not touch the blood-marked houses. Out Passover lamb has also been sacrificed. It was Jesus himself (1 Cor 5:7). We have been saved from death through him. On the early morning itself, the next day of Passover, all the Israelites left Egypt with all their belongings under Mos...