
Showing posts from March, 2021

Lesson 28 - Israel In Wilderness - I

  Lesson 28  Israel In Wilderness  Reading Portion: Exodus 14 - 40 Memory Verse: I Cor. 10: 1-4 Objective: Israels's journey in the wilderness is a shadow of a believer's life in the world. God protects his people throughout their journey. Believers should not murmur in their troubles but should obey God in everything.  Beginning   of Journey  Pharoh agreed to set Israel free after the tenth plague. Before that, Israel had already made all the arrangements for leaving. On the night of 14th Abib month, they observed the Passover. The blood of the Passover lamb was to be put in on the two doorposts and on the houses' lintel so that the Angel of God would not touch the blood-marked houses. Out Passover lamb has also been sacrificed. It was Jesus himself (1 Cor 5:7). We have been saved from death through him.          On the early morning itself, the next day of Passover, all the Israelites left Egypt with all their belongings under Mosses and Aaron's leadership. The people

Lesson 27 Israel In Egypt

 Lesson 17  ISRAEL IN EGYPT  Reading Portion: Exodus: 1 - 15 ch                                                     : Palms 15: 16-38 Memory Verse: Romans 9: 4-5 We can read in Genesis 45: 5-8 the circumstances which led to the coming of Israel to Egypt. It was God who brought famine to Cannan and send Josepth before them to Egypt (Psalm 105: 16,17). Israel dwelt in Goshen, one of the most fertile lands in Egypt. Israel kept their separation from gentiles Israel's Slavery in Egypt The Pharoh who ruled Egypt during Joseph's time was Hixsoz. He was very friendly to the Israelites. After some years, other Pharoh came into power and he started to trouble Israel, because: 1. The new Pharoh never know Joseph and he never heard the good things done by Joseph for Egypt ( Exo. 1:8). 2. Egyptians were afraid of the tremendous increase in the population of Israelites. The 70 people who came to Egypt increased and became about 3 million by about 200 years ( Exodus 1: 7, Acts 7: 17). The ca

Lesson 26 History of Israel

 Lesson 16 History of Israel  Israel's Election  Reading Portion : Genisis: 12-35 ch. Memory Verse: 1 Peter 2:9  Objective: There is always a separated group on earth, to do God's will behind his election cannot be questioned. This duty of God's people is to do His will. Introduction                             God created man to worship Him and have fellowship with him. But Satan, the ancient serpent, deceived Adam and Eve. Once Satan heard God's promise that 'the seed of the woman shall destroy the head of the serpent', he focussed his work on preventing the seed of the woman from emerging into the scene. Adam's firstborn became a murderer. By the time of the 7th generation Adam, people became full of murder and cruelty (Gen. 4: 23) Election Through Noah Noah was the 10th generation of Adam. At this time, all people were under sin, except Noah and his family. But Noah obtained the grace of God (Gen. 6: 8-9). God protected Noah and his family from the great

Lesson 25 Jesus's Resurrection and ascension to heaven

 Lesson 15  Jesus's resurrection and ascension to heaven  Reading portion: Mat. 27:56-28:20                                    Mark. 15: 42 - 16: 20                                   Luke 23: 50 -24:53 Memory Verse: John 20: 29 Objective: To receive life from Jesus, who has overcome death, and to be a brave witness of Him Introduction: Jesus died by about 3 pm on Friday. The next day ( Saturday) was the first day of the feast of the unleavened bread and was a day of the sabbath. The Jews had a rule that no dead body should hang on the cross on Sabbath day. So to remove the dead bodies from the cross on Friday early as possible. But seeing that Jesus was already dead, they didn't break His legs. But one soldier pierced His side with a spear, and blood and water poured out. This confirmed that He was dead. Thus the prophecy that none of the bones of the Anointed will be broken was fulfilled.  Jesus Burial   After Jesus's death, one of His secret disciples, Joseph of Arimathea