Lesson 22 The Passover

Lesson 22 

The Passover 

Portion to read  : Matt 26: 17 - 46

                              Mark 14 : 12 - 42

                             Luke 22 : 1 -46

                             John 13 : 1 -38

Memory Verse : 1 Cor. 11: 23, 24

Objective : To understand the origin and the meaning of the holy communion

The Jewish Festival of Passover 

                The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. God send Moses, his servant to save his people out of Egypt. But Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, denied to liberate Israel. Thus God sent the 10 plagues over the Egyptians. The last of the plague was the slaughter of elder ones in Egypt. But Israel were kept sage from the Angel of the Lord, because of the blood of the Passover lamb, which was killed in the evening on the 14th of the month Abib. Israelites celebrate the festival of Passover every year to remember this great salvation they got from death. Since Jesus was born as an Israelite he also observed the Passover throughout his life, even in the last week of his life on earth.

Jesus washes the feet of Disciples


Jews never ate food without washing hands. If one had returned from market place, he will not eat, until he takes bath. Therefore, in Mark 7: 3-4, the disciples were to purify themselves before taking part in Passover. Usually the feet of the Jews were washed by the servant or the youngest in the house. But here, the Lord himself came forward to wash the feet of his disciples. He laid aside this garments, took a towel and girded himself, After that he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel. This shows the humility of Jesus. Jesus disciples should have a heart to serve others.

New Testament Passover or the Lords Table

its importance 

1. IT is Lord's commandment to observe this till His coming. Mathew Mark and Luke have clearly stated Jesus words regarding this

2. This is an apostolic doctrine. Paul had written in details about the Lord's table in the epistle to Corinthians

3. The book of Acts clearly depicts that the first century Church observed breaking of bread, whenever they assembled together ( Acts. 2 : 42-46)

Who are the ones entitled to take part in Lord's table? Those believers who have accepted Jesus as their personal savior and have undertaken baptism, can take part in this. Those who are not born again, should not take part in Lord's table

 The believers who take part in Lord's table, should examine themselves before entering into it( I Cori. 11: 28). For he who takes part in unworthy manner, may become weak, sick or may even die.

The Last Passover that Jesus had with his Disciples

The Jews observe the Passover on the evening of 14th Month Abib. But Jesus ate the Passover on the day before, along his disciples. Jesus sent Peter and John to make arrangement for the Passover. When they enquired about the house, Jesus said to follow the one who they will meet on entering the city, with a pot of water, and that the master of the house in which he enters, will provide them a hall already arranged for Passover. The disciples did as Jesus said. But Jesus didn't kill a lamb as the Jews do in Passover. Instead he wash the feet of his disciples and sat with them for the supper.

In the first part of the Passover observance, Jesus broke the bread and dipped it in vine and gave to disciples. Judas Iscariot got up and went away immediately after receiving the bread.  He went to betray Jesus to the priests. After Judas exit, Jesus took the remaining bread which is left according to Jewish, Passover tradition of Passover, and broke it and gave to the disciples saying " This is my body. Take and eat". Then he took the cup, gave thanks and passed it to disciples, saying "This is my blood of new covenant, which is shed for you". Thus started the New Testament Passover or the Lord's Supper ( Lord's table)

The Exhortations for the Disciples after the Lords Supper

John 14, 15, 16

Jesus spoke to his disciples for a long time after Lord's supper to comfort and to strengthen them. " Let not your heart be trebled.. I will never abandon you... I give my peace upon you" He said all this comforting words to them. Our Lord is always beside us to comfort us in our trials 

Jesus assured them that whatever they asked father in his name it would be accomplished. He also promised to send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. He also assured the disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them. Ehen the place is prepared, he will come and receive them to be along with him forever. This is the hope of every believer that Jesus will take him to haven, where there is no tears. 

Prayer at Gethsemane: 

After sharing the comforting words at the end of Passover, Jesus went along with his disciples to the garden of Gethsemane, in Mouth Olive. There he asked eight of the disciples to wait at the gate of the garden and took three ( Peter, James and John) of them along with him to the interior part of the garden. After asking them to pray, Jesus went a furlong ahead and fell on his knees and prayed - "Father, if it is your will, take the cup away, from me , nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done". He prayed three times like this. Then an angel appeared to him from heaven and strengthened him. And being in agony, he prayed more earnestly, Then his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down on the gourd. Jesus asked his disciples to stay awake and pray with his but they failed in it. Then he came and awoke then and said. "let us go". By this time, the solders and priests have reached there, searching for Jesus. We should be alert and pray before entering into trials and temptations.


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