Lesson 10 With God, To the path of victory

 Lesson 10

With God, To the path of victory 

Scripture Portion: Gen. 24, Mat. 19:1- 12

Objective: How does a child of God behave in different phases of growth and how it is possible? 

Memory Verse: Psalm 33:8,9

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.

Objective: How does a child of God behave in different phases of growth and how it is possible? 

Adolescence is a period of time when men and women are more conscious of their future. The adolescents are patient enough to wait to choose a partner when the time comes for their marriage; rather they are attracted to the physical beauty of the persons of the opposite sex. Some of them fail in their attempts and others succeed in the same. For them, everything appears to be good and they are not ready to discern what is good and what is evil. Moreover, they maintain their attractiveness and interests. 

Maturity and prayer are needed for choosing a life partner. Meaningful prayer is needed in this case. Adolescents can pry in this manner. "Lord, prepare for me a better life partner and it will be with thy will and according to the word of God." Eliazar went out to find a girl of Isaac from his own people. He prayed though he had a meeting with Rebecca (Gen. 24:12). The prayer of Eliazer, before entering into a decision is noteworthy. The year suitable for the marriage is not the age demanded by the law, It is the time of maturity, responsibility, and prayer that a person can enter into married life. One must not be deceived by film stories, peer pressure, and the influence of social media. We see a number of persons around us, who are cheated by attractiveness and lured by sweet talks and fascinating promises. 

The friendship between boys and girls must be in accordance with the word of God. Choosing a life partner is not the responsibility of children. There is a time for marriage and you can choose a life partner along with the decisions taken by parents, accompanied by prayers and seeking of the will of God. Decision taken at an immature age is not well. Your body is not a commodity. Paul tells us that Man is God's creation and each man should have his own wife.' (1 Cori.7:2)


We must be able to ripen our thoughts according to the word and do not become slaves of uncontrolled desires, "a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways" (Jam. 1:8)

Daniel and his friends faced the real problems and tempted not to circumstances; prayer and faith in God really helped them.

Almost 60% of people are now addicted to social media. In fact, they are more attracted to the evils in the media. Adolescents must be strong and bold enough to say NO to certain circumstances. According to the Bible, marriage is holy, divine, and inviolable and it is a covenant that cannot be separated until the death of a partner or the second coming of Jesus. 

Responsibility and Preparation 

Learning and attaining education is the most important aim in the life of children and adolescents. A high standard of education is needed to acquire a good job and to lead a family life, one must possess a sound financial setup. An excellent career is possible when we concentrate on studies, commitment, and hard work. It is good to give to God at an early age from our income. New Testament insists on giving tithes and voluntary gifts. One must avoid unnecessary use of money and luxurious life. 

The Bible demands us to keep our bodies clean and pure. As a custom, Jews wash the hands and legs of the guests and invite them into their inner rooms. 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' is a famous quote. 

Taking bath is very essential in purifying the body. Bathing twice a day will make our bodies clean and keep us away from infections. It balances the body pressure and makes us fresh. There are some more things to make our bodies pure such as brushing the teeth, cutting nails, dressing the hair properly, keeping the hair clean had tidy, doing exercise, avoid over-eating, and promotes a balanced diet. 

Make a night of sleep and get risen at the proper time is very important. it is healthy for a person to sleep at least six or seven hours a day. We should improve the habit of learning followed by prayer and meditation. IT will help us in the future and family life. It is essential in a believers' life that he or she should take fasting at regular intervales and God's will become very active. in the time of fasting. Besides, it will make inner organs active and the process of digestion will be in good condition.

The way of dressing determines the personality and respectability of a person. Dressing must be in accordance with the climatic changes and dressed must be air circulated. The way of dressing for the girls must not be for body exposure, and tight dresses are ugly to watch. Dressing reveals our personality and believers must wear suitable dresses.

Do not go anyplace without the consent of parents.  


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