Lesson 6
Objective: Barnabas was a holy man how followed Jesus. He served him with all his heart—this lad many people to Jesus. We should imitate Barnabas in leading others to Christ.
Portion to read : Acts 4:32-37; 9:27: 11:19, 15:38
Memory Verse: Act 11:23, 24
Who, when he come, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Gost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.
Introduction: Barnabas is one of the apostles who was not chosen by Jesus while on earth, but was called an apostle later on. His name means 'Son of Encouragement'. He belonged to the tribe of Levi. He was born in Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Many Jews and Greeks had inhabited that island. It was Barnabas who introduced Paul to the apostles. (We are unable to determine whether Barnabas and Saul were former acquaintance or not). And their friendship was deep-rooted and they worked together in the ministry. Barnabas encouraged others and always looked forward to the best in others.
Barnabas and Antioch (Act 11:9-26)
After Stephen's death, the Christians in Jerusalem were scattered (There were some believers from Cyprus. Also, Barnabas belonged to Cyprus). Some of them came to Antioch and preached the gospel to the Jews and later on to the Hellenists ( Greeks). A large number believed in Jesus were baptized and joined the Church. When the apostles in Jerusalem heard this news, they sent Barnabas to Antioch. He went and strengthened them in faith and led them to Christ. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. Since he was a good man, full of faith, and looked out for others, he could lead many to Christ.
Later, Barnabas went to Tarsus in search of Saul. He brought him, to Antioch and they both served there to 1 year. It was there that the disciple was called Christians. Barnabas and Saul brought a contribution from the church at Antioch to the church in Jerusalem. The prophetic words of a famine happening in the near future and the teaching to consider individual properties as common were the driving factors behind this contribution. From Jerusalem, they took John Mark with them to Antioch. Since the Holy Spirit commanded, the apostles separated Paul and Barnabas for missionary work.
Barnabas first missionary Journey (Acts 13,14)
Barnabas and Paul came to Perga from Antioch. There John Mark left them
and went back to Jerusalem. This led to the separation in the Joury of Paul and Barnabas. In their Journey, Barnabas also faced trials and opposition along with Paul. When a lame man was healed in Lystra, the people made Paul and Barnabas the name of gods and started worshiping them. In Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, Barnabas was persecuted. Later they came back through the same route.
Barnabas and the Jerusalem council (Acts 15: 1 -35)
Saul and Barnabas came to Jerusalem to solve the problem raised by the Jews regarding the circumcision of Christians. There were discussions between the apostles in Jerusalem. The chairman of the council was James, the brother of the Lord. Peter, Paul, and Barnabas made speeches on the subject. At last, they arrived at the conclusion that the Jewish laws were not to affect the Christians. The decision was communicated to the church in Antioch through special messages (Judas and Silas)
Barnabas Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:35-38)
Barnabas wanted to go for the second missionary journey along with John Mark, and Paul. But Paul refused to take John Mark with him since he had abandoned them in the first journey. Therefore Paul and Barnabas separated. Paul took Silas and went on the second missionary journey while Barnabas took John Mark and went to Cyprus. There is no further evidence about Barnabas's second missionary journey.
Barnabas in Pauls's Epistles
From his epistles, it is clear that Paul highly esteemed Barnabas (1 Cor.9:6). Paul took pride that he and Barnabas did work with their won hand (Gal. 2:1,9,13). Paul says Barnabas supported the Jews. Paul meant John-mark in his last romen imprisonment. By that time, Mark would have become a strong warrior of Christ. The end of Barnabase ministry is also not clear from the Bible.
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