
Showing posts from February, 2021

Lesson 24 Crucifixion of Jesus

 Lesson 24  Crucifixion of Jesus  Reading Portion : Mat 27 : 32 - 56                                  Mark 15: 22- 47                                   Luke 23 : 32 - 49                                   John 19 : 17 - 37 Memory Verse   :    John 19 : 28 Objective :   To understand that the son of God, who know no sin, took our sins upon Him and died on the cross, for our salvation, and to receive Him as out personal savior  Introduction : The Governor Pilate sentenced Jesus to crucified. In that time, crucifixion were carried out in a place called Golgotha, which is at the top of a mountain. One centurion and four soldiers were given the task of carrying out his crucifixion. The person to be crucified, was to carry his cross to the place of crucifixion.                              Two criminals accused of riot and murder in the city, were also to be crucified with Jesus. He was very tired because of sleeplessness in the previous day and the physical assault by the soldiers. It took a

Lesson 23 Trial of Jesus

 Lesson 23 Trial of Jesus Reading Portion :  Mat. 26: 57 - 68                               Mark 14 : 53-65                               Luke 22: 66 - 71                               John 18: 12-24 Memory Verse : John 18 : 37 When Jesus had finished praying to his Father, along with his disciples, the soldiers reached Gethsemane, to catch Jesus. Judas Iscariot was also with them and he betrayed Jesus by kissing him.  Before Annas (John. 18 : 20 -24) The priests and soldiers took Jesus first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest of that year. Annas tried Jesus first, because Sanhedrin the council of Jews could not assemble on time. As per the Jewish custom they were to undertake the trial. They asked Jesus about his doctrine and disciples. Jesus didn't say anything about his disciples, but He said that He taught His doctrine publicly in synagogues and to ask them assemble there, about his doctrine. Then one of the officers who stood by struck Jesus on hi

Lesson 22 The Passover

Lesson 22  The Passover  Portion to read  : Matt 26: 17 - 46                                     Mark 14 : 12 - 42                                    Luke 22 : 1 -46                                    John 13 : 1 -38 Memory Verse : 1 Cor. 11: 23, 24 Objective : To understand the origin and the meaning of the holy communion The Jewish Festival of Passover                     The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. God send Moses, his servant to save his people out of Egypt. But Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, denied to liberate Israel. Thus God sent the 10 plagues over the Egyptians. The last of the plague was the slaughter of elder ones in Egypt. But Israel were kept sage from the Angel of the Lord, because of the blood of the Passover lamb, which was killed in the evening on the 14th of the month Abib. Israelites celebrate the festival of Passover every year to remember this great salvation they got from death. Since Jesus was born as an Israelite he also observed the Passover throughout his