Lesson 20 Doctrines of Jesus Christ II

 Lesson 10

Doctrines of Jesus Christ II

Reading Portion : Luke 13 : 1- 19 John 3 : 1- 19

Memory Verse : John 8: 31,32

Introduction :

   As we have learned, that the Central theme of Jesus teachings was the Kingdom of God. The citizens of the kingdom are supposed to follow His teachings.

1. Repentance

            Jesus started his ministry, by announcing, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Man who is under the influence of sin, should repent about his sinful nature and should turn to Jesus. This is repentance. One who does not repent, will perish

2. Faith 

For a person to receive salvation and eternal life, he should be live in Jesus. The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.

3. Born Again

    When one man repents and believes in Jesus the Holy Spirit leads him to a new life with the help of the word of God. Those who are not born again into the new life will not enter the kingdom

4. Salvation

The only way for salvation for mankind is to repent his sin and believe in Christ and be born again. Jesus taught that he is the only way towards salvation.

5. Baptism 

Though the act of baptism was started by John the Baptist, it became universal as Jesus showed the example. Jesus baptized people through his disciple and asked his disciples to baptize those who believed in Him. The apostles baptized those who believed in Jesus and the Lord added them to the Church. 

6. Baptism by Holy Spirit

Jesus asked his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit. They waited upon the promise and were filled with Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Jesus emphasized the need of His Spirit in our daily lives and he promised to send the comforter 

7. Jesus urged his followers to bear fruits with the help of Spirit (John 15: 1-14)

8. Practical experiences. 

1. We can comprise the teachings of Jesus in one word. LOVE, which is the fruit of Spirit. The live Jesus exhibited in his life and death was the most glorious and wonderful live that the humankind has experienced. In Mathew 5: 43-48 he urged people to Love their enemies and to pray for those who trouble them. 

2. Prayer : Jesus spent a lot of time in conversation with the heavenly father. He taught that we should pray continuously with faith.

3. Long Suffering and Peace: We should forgive sincerely the iniquities done to us by others. He taught that we should observe peace with everyone around us. You should have peace with everyone before you go for worship.

4. We should trade the talents that God has given us, for his glory. We should use our education, wealth faithfully.

5. As said in John 15: 1-8 we should abide in Jesus and produce fruits.

6. We should testify Jesus Publicly 

        We should lead a life of purity, after repenting out sins and believing in Jesus with the help of out comforter, the Holy Spirit.


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