
Showing posts from January, 2021

Lesson 21 Hosanna

 Lesson 21  Hosanna  Reading Portion : Mat. 21 : 1-11                                                Mark 11: 1-11                                            Luke 19 : 28 -44                                                John 12: 12 - 19 Memory Verse : Mathew 21: 4 Objective : Lead a holy life and stand for holiness as Jesus Christ the King of Kings                               hates impurity and sin Jesus came to the earth to save the mankind from their sins. He also came as the King of Israel. He came to Jerusalem on a donkey as a king. That Sunday is known as Hosanna Sunday.  The Journey to Jerusalem  Jesus lived in Galilee which was in the north of Cana. From there he started to Jerusalem to die on the cross for us. Jesus stayed at the village of Bethany for few days. Then he came to Bethphage, near Jerusalem.  Jesus Sends disciples to bring the donkey From Bethpage, Jesus sent two of his disciples to the village against them, to bring the donkey tied along with her colt on which

Lesson 20 Doctrines of Jesus Christ II

 Lesson 10 Doctrines of Jesus Christ II Reading Portion : Luke 13 : 1- 19 John 3 : 1- 19 Memory Verse : John 8: 31,32 Introduction :    As we have learned, that the Central theme of Jesus teachings was the Kingdom of God. The citizens of the kingdom are supposed to follow His teachings. 1. Repentance             Jesus started his ministry, by announcing, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Man who is under the influence of sin, should repent about his sinful nature and should turn to Jesus. This is repentance. One who does not repent, will perish 2. Faith  For a person to receive salvation and eternal life, he should be live in Jesus.  The work of God is this: to believe  in the one he has sent. 3. Born Again     When one man repents and believes in Jesus the Holy Spirit leads him to a new life with the help of the word of God. Those who are not born again into the new life will not enter the kingdom 4. Salvation The only way for salvation for mankind is to repent his sin and

Lesson 19 Doctrines of Jesus Christ 1

 Lesson 9 Doctrines of Jesus Christ (I) Reading Portion : Mat Ch 5- 7 ; Luke Ch 6 Memory Verse : Mat. 5 : 19 Jesus The Prophet  : What are the official positions of Christ in relation to the kingdom of God? The scripture says that he is prophet, priest and king. As a prophet he revealed God's plan to us faithfully. As a priest he sacrificed himself and is pleading before God for us, and as a king he has set his kingdom in our hearts, and he is going to be the everlasting king. The doctrines Jesus has given to this world as a prophet are our subject to study. Specialties  1. The doctrines of Jesus were not spoken on his own. As we see in John 7: 16,  15:15   Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. 17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. John 7: 16, 17 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you

Lesson 14 Baptism of Jesus

        Lesson 14  Baptism of Jesus 

Lesson 18 Miracles of Jesus Christ

  Lesson 18  Miracles of Jesus Christ  Reading Pertion : Mat 8: 1-9; Acts 10: 36 -40 Memory Verse: Hebrews 2: 3,4 Objective:      Be strong in faith and believe that Jesus is the Son of God through his   miracles Introduction  Have you ever see a miracle? What is a miracle?          A miracle is happening, which is supernatural. When this occurs with God's help and for the glory of God, we say that it was a divine miracle. Jesus and his disciples did many miracles. Even today, Lord works for his children through miracles.  Purpose of Miracles  Jesus did miracles for people to believe that he was God's son and believed to give them eternal life.  Jesus did many miracles. If every one of them were written down, the world wouldn't have enough room for the book that would be written. These miracles are given in the Bible for us to believe that he is the son of the Almighty God and Savior of all mankind. He was the Messiah that was promised to Israel.     All the miracles were d


 Lesson 17 Ministry of Jesus - II