Lesson 7 Timothy

 Lesson 7 


Objective: Childhood chastenings are helpful for the future. If Godly fear is nurtured in childhood, it will help the child to keep himself blameless in the world. This will bring blessings in the future. This study helps us to understand the historical background of Timothy and following his good example. 

Portions to read  : Acts. 16:1, 17:14, 18:5, 19:22, 20:4, Rom. 16:21, 1 Cor. 4:17, 16:10, 2 Cor 1:1, 19 1 Thess. 1:13, 2 Thess. 1:1, 1 Tim 1:2, 2 Tim 1:2,5, 2 Tim 2:15.

Introduction Timothy means 'Respect God'. Timothy was the spiritual son of Paul ( 1 Tim.1:2) and later became his traveling companion and official representative. Paul is seen praising Timothy for his good character in many places ( Phil. 2: 1-22). There is no other person mentioned like Timothy in Paul's epistles. Timothy served as Bishop of the church at Ephesus till his death. Here we will learn about the life of Timothy.

Family and childhood ( Acts 16:12, 2Tim 1:5)

Timothy was born in a god-fearing family. His mother was Eunice and his grandmother was Lois. His father was a Greek. His father did not have a praiseworthy spiritual background. His birthplace was either Lystra or Derbe. His mother and grandmother were very pious and so they brought him up to be godly. Paul might have visited them and preached that Jesus is the Messiah. Thus they might have accepted Jesus and were leading a pious godly life. Timothy might also have been born again in his childhood through Paul's ministry (1 Tim. 1, 2 Tim. 1:5), and might have been a young witness for Paul's sufferings. He was a precious brother in the church of Lystra or Derbe and was very much involved in the spiritual activities of the church. 

Timothy - the traveling companion of Paul 

When Paul came to Lystra and Derbe during his second missionary journey with Silas, he was happy to hear about Timothy. He made his desire known to Timothy to accompany them. He circumcised Timothy to avoid criticism from Jews. The church was also happy to separate Timothy. The elders and Paul laid hands on Timothy, prayed, and separated him for ministry (1 Tim. 4:14, 2 Tim. 1:6). Thus Timothy also became an apostle. 

Later Timothy journeyed on Europen provinces like Macedonia, Phillipi, Thessalonica, etc., with Paul and Silas. In Berea, Paul left Timothe and Silas to take care of the church in Macedonia and went to Athens ( Acts 17:10, 15). Timothy was later sent to the church in Thessalonica (1 Thes. 3:1,2). When Paul reached Corinthe from Achaia, Timothy and Silas joined him and worked alongside ( Acts 18:1,5). Timothy accompanied Paul in the third missionary journey too. Timothy was with Paul, on all occasions, when he served in Ephesus. Timothy was again sent to Macedonia and Corinth, from Ephesus ( Acts. 19:21, 22; 1 Cor. 4:16; 17:10). When Paul reached Macedonia, Timothy again worked with him. Later they returned together to Corinth ( Rom. 16:21). In the return journey, they were together till Macedonia ( Acts 20:3,4). From there Paul sends Timothy to Troas ( Acts 20:5). Later Paul also comes to Troas and together they go to Jerusalem ( 1 Cor. 5:3).

When Paul was first imprisoned in Rome, we find Timothy along with Paul (Phil;. 1:1; Colo. 1). Paul sends him back to Philippi. So when Paul receives the news that he will be released from the prison shortly, he requests the Philippian church to send Timothy to him fast ( Phil. 2:19). We see Timothy in Ephesus. It is here that Paul leaves him and goes to Crete, after his release ( 1 Tim. 1:3). While in Ephesus, ministering to the churches there, that Timothy receives that first epistle written by Paul. Afterward, when he is again a prisoner in Rome that he sends the second epistle to Timothy This was the imprisonment when Paul was martyred. In this epistle, Paul requests Timothy to come and see him soon (before the winter months - 2 Tim 4:9, 11). Whether Timothy met Paul is unknown. Probably, Paul was killed before Timothy came. 


In his last days, Timothy served as the Bishop on Ephesus. Tradition says that idol worshippers beat him to death with clubs in AD 97. Thus Timothy also sheds his blood for Jesus, Just like his teacher entered eternity.




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