Lesson- 2 : Apostle John

   Lesson -2 
Apostle John

Objective: To understand the full history of  John, the time and place where he lived, to follow Jesus as John followed, and to be blessed like him. To do God's work faithfully until the end.

Portions to read: Matt 4:21, Mark 1: 19, Luke 5:10, Rev 1: 9-11

Memory Verse: Rev 1:12-16

12 Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. 14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; 15 His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; 16 He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength

Birth and Childhood:

Bethsaida was a village on the western coast of the Sea of Galilee. It is known as 'the house of fishing'. Zebedee's family ( belonging to the tribe of Zebulun) was an economically sound house in Bethsaida, Zebedee was a fisherman just like all others in the village. He had his own servant, boats, and nets. Zebedee means 'God's gifts'. Zebedee's wife was Salome, which is the feminine form of Solomon, meaning 'loving peace'. She is believed to have a close relationship with Jesus's mother, Mary. Zebedee and Salome had many sons. John was one of them and James was his brother. 'John' means 'God is merciful'. They grow under the tender care of their parents. When the revival came due to the preaching of John the Baptist, they both became disciples of the prophet and were faithful in God's work and at the same time, helped their father with fishing.

Jesus calls John:

(Mark 1:16-20, Mat. 4:21,22)

Jesus called Peter and Andrew when he was on the coast of the Sea of Galilee. After a short journey from there, he saw John and James, together with their father, tending their nets, sitting on a boat, after fishing. On seeing them, Jesus must have felt that these brothers were essential to the fulfillment of his mission. Jesus commanded them to follow him. They left everything and followed him immediately. Only those who follow Jesus, without questioning will be blessed. John was there in Jesus's election of disciples and also in His appointment of apostles 

Jesus, seeing their zeal and fire for God, called them "sons of thunder" or "Boanerges". The command calls down fire upon the Samaritans who didn't accept Jesus and the request to stop the people who were not disciples from casting off demons in Jesus's name and the desire to sit on the right and the left of Jesus's throne in His kingdom are all clear examples of their zeal.

John - Jesus's dear disciple: 

Though Jesus selected his disciples, most of them were engaged in different jobs in the early days. Thus one day they put net for a whole night. But they couldn't get any single fish and were washing the nets in the morning. Jesus came to them and preached to the multitudes, from the boat of Peter, and they asked them to cast the net to the deep. They got a big catch of fish. Peter's friends John and James were surprised at this. They left their boats and nets and followed Jesus. John was also there when Jesus healed Peter's mother in law. John was also a witness when Jesus brought back Jairus's daughter to life. Jesus also took John to the mountain where he transfigured. In the last supper, John was leaning on Jesus's chest. In the garden of Gethsemane, He took Peter, John, and James to pray with him, apart from the other disciples. While on the cross, Jesus seeing John standing near, committed His mother into the hands of John. On the day of restriction, John also went to the tomb. After the resurrection, John had also gone fishing with Peter and certain of the other disciples.

John- After the Pentecost:

As all the disciples of Jesus, along with His mother and others were in need of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, They were gathered in the upper room of the house of Mark, to receive the Holy Spirit, as Jesus commanded. They were filled with Holy Spirit on the 50th day (Pentecost day) of the crucifixion of Christ and all spoke in tongues

John was also one of them. This experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit is seen even after the time of the apostles and will continue till Jesus's second coming. We can see that John was filled with power and might, after receiving the Holy Spirit. One day, Peter and John went to the temple and met a man lame from his mother's womb, at the gate called Beautiful. They healed him in Jesus's name. Peter and John were imprisoned by the High Priest for this and they were strictly forbidden from speaking in Jesus's name. On another occasion, they were beaten for speaking in Jesus's name. When the church in Jerusalem learned that some Samaritans were saved,  they sent Peter and John there. They went there and prayed for them and all were filled with the Holy Spirit. All of them were saved and baptized. But they were not filled with the Holy Spirit. The apostles prayed for them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is clear that though we need the help of the Holy Spirit for repentance and taking baptism, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is something different. Those who have repented and baptized should pray to God and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. John is considered a pillar of the church, along with others.

John's last days 

Till AD 64, John ministered zealously in the church at Jerusalem. After his conversion, when Paul visited Jerusalem the second time, we find John also there (Act 15:6). After the martyrdom of Paul, John visited the churches of Asia Minor and strengthened them. He made Ephesus his center of work. He preached against idol worship and many repented. But this led to opposition and affliction for the believers. Some were even killed. It is believed that John was cast in boiling oil, but since he escaped unharmed, he was exiled to the island of Patmos, which is 50 miles west of Ephesus in the Aegean Sea. 

On the day of the Lord, John was filled by the Holy Spirit and received visions which are written in the book of revelation.

After the death of Emperor Domitian, the Christians got a sigh of relief. The apostle John was brought back from exile and returned to Ephesus. Later he worked zealously in various churches of the Asia Minor. His disciples like Polycarp and Ignatius, all became famous in the lord.


In the old age of John, He could not travel. But he still worked Zealously for the Lord. When he couldn't walk, he was carried to church on a chair. It is said that he preached a sermon in one sentence, " Dear children, love each other"

 John was the apostle of Love. Love was the major theme of his epistles. All the other apostles died before the destruction of Jerusalem, but John lived even after that and died a natural death. He lived for about 100 years. It is believed that he died in Ephesus and was buried there. 

John - The Writer: 

John, who was a witness of Jesus's ministry, wrote the words of Jesus in his gospel, in a very touching manner. He deals mainly with love, faith, and hope in his epistles. The only prophetic book in the New Testament, Revelation, was also his contribution. Thus he wrote 5 books.

  1.  The gospel of John
  2. The first epistle of John
  3. The second epistle of John
  4. The third epistle of John
  5. The Revelation - the revelation that Jesus revealed to John, the apostle.


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