Lesson 13 The Birth and Childhood of Jesus
Lesson 13 THE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF JESUS Reading Portion : Mathew 1,2 ; Luke 1,2 Memory Verse: Isa. 9:6 Objective: To make students understand that the supernatural birth of Jesus was the fulfillment of God's wish and his promise . Introduction: The birth of Jesus is the most important event in world history. The history of the world is separated into AD and BC because of Christ's birth. Remember the story of Jesus's birth, which you learned in the lower classes. Who were the two persons who anticipated Jesus's birth in the temple of Jerusalem? Who announced Jesus's birth to the world? Why did Herod kill all the small babies in and around Bethlehem? Why was baby Jesus taken to Egypt? Why did Jesus settle down in Nazareth? The birth of Jesus was promised long before. When the first parents sinned against God in Eden, He promised that the seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent (Gen. 3:5). Later God promised to Abraham that He shall bles...